‘Fortnite’ Cat Food Locations: Where To Collect Cat Food
We’ve got a new batch of legendary quests this week, fresh from the farm. Or wherever it is Meowscles creates his cat food. Season 7 is now well underway in Fortnite, and it’s a solid one so far, with the sorts of broad-based changes that made last season so successful, just with a sci-fi twist. But, as always, the defining feature of every one of these seasons is the battle pass, stacked with rewards as always. And you’ll need to complete these challenges if you want the sweet loot it contains, so let’s go to where to collect cat food for this legendary challenge.
To start with, you won’t be able to do this one until you’ve completed the other four legendary challenges, so knock those off first. Here are some guides for those:
With that handled, it’s time to consider Cat Food. We’ve only got two to worry about, though there are certainly more. Here are two locations to get it done, however.
- In the Kitchen in the middle of the main house at Corny Complex
- On the north side of Retail Row, behind the big “NOMS” building. It’s between a parked truck and a garage door.
And that will do it! Look for the Mewoscles logo to know it’s Meowscles fresh. I don’t know how fresh that is, exactly, but that’s what I’m going with. There is most definitely a larger stash of cat food at the Corny Complex location, but that doesn’t seem to make much of a difference.
Check back for more as the season progresses. Things seem to be moving pretty quickly what with this mothership and so on, so we’ll see whta these aliens get up to now that they’re here.
Published at Wed, 23 Jun 2021 21:47:47 +0000