
Food fighter: Detroit restaurant co-owner Stephanie Byrd had ‘hellish’ 3 weeks – Detroit Free Press

Food fighter: Detroit restaurant co-owner Stephanie Byrd had ‘hellish’ 3 weeks – Detroit Free Press

Mark Kurlyandchik
| Detroit Free Press

It didn’t take long for the COVID-19 pandemic to turn personal for Stephanie Byrd.

More than 30 years after her father bought a trendy new downtown bar and grew it into a flagship of Black Detroit hospitality, she was faced with the prospect of shutting its doors as a deadly virus ravaged her community especially hard.

“COVID devastated the Black community in Detroit,” says Byrd, who’s among the inaugural class of  Detroit Free Press/Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers Food Fighters. “We’re a family-run, Black-owned business and this is a Black city. So it was really important for us to give back to our community.”

As Michigan began confirming cases, the first order of business was making sure staff at the Byrd family’s three properties — Floods, the Block and the Garden Theatre — were taken care of. The decision was made to close before the governor ordered it, and employees were invited to take whatever perishables they needed.

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“We thought it would be a week, two weeks, and that those were the only measures we would have to take at that point,” Byrd recalls.

It quickly became clear their projections were off, both on time frame and need.

As supply chains buckled under the weight of pandemic panic, Byrd joined the Too Many Cooks effort, first by providing food and paying her staff out of pocket to cook it.

“After we tried to cover our staff as much as we possibly could, we knew it was time to give to the community,” she says. “We had time. We had some resources. And we saw our community just crumbling. I was terrified to even participate, but we knew we had to push through.”

Things only got harder as Byrd’s aging parents both battled COVID-19 in those early weeks. 

“It was a hellish three weeks early on, but Too Many Cooks helped give me some structure during that time,” she says, noting her relief that both parents recovered and recently received their second vaccine doses.

As the early weeks stretched into months and the nation erupted with calls for racial justice, Byrd stepped up in another way, out of the shadows of her father’s low-key management style and into her own, making frequent appearances in national and local media. 

“I wanted everyone to be aware of the struggle that restaurants are going through, especially Black-owned restaurants,” she says. “It’s important for residents of the city to see someone that looks like them.

“And I wanted to tell our story, which is that we’ve been restaurateurs for almost 35 years now and we’re not going down without a fight.”

NAME: Stephanie Michelle Byrd

AGE: 38

TITLE: Co-owner of Floods, the Block and the Garden Theatre (Detroit)


LIVES IN: Detroit

EARLIEST FOOD MEMORY: “Believe it or not, corned beef. My mom makes the best corned beef. And growing up at 3 or 4, I requested corned beef for my birthday. I was a fanatic for corned beef. I still love it, but don’t eat it as often.” 

More: Food Fighter, Detroit chef Alvaro Padilla didn’t hesitate to say yes to cold call

FIRST RESTAURANT JOB: “My first restaurant job was at Floods and it was counting the change from the pay phone. Every Sunday morning, there would be dozens of Crown Royal bags full of change. It would take me hours to count and roll all that change. And then I graduated to credit card tip input girl. There wasn’t high-speed internet then. This was all via a telephone line, so you had to manually input the tips for every credit card transaction. 

TOUGHEST CHALLENGE OF 2020: “Dealing with our president at the time and the additional stress level that brought. Things were already pretty bad in Detroit. Everyone had stress through the roof. But then that was also compounded by a president who steered us in the wrong direction. And I can only imagine how this story would’ve played out with a competent president. How different it would be a year later. Would we even be having this conversation now?” 

MOST VALUABLE LESSON LEARNED: “To just say yes. Before a year ago, I think I often came from a place of saying no regarding business opportunities. And a year later, my mantra is just say yes. And lean in. We’ll probably never be faced with a situation like this again where you have to pivot and change, but now that I know I’m capable of it, my whole outlook is different.”

ANY REGRETS FROM THE PAST YEAR?: “I would have communicated more with my staff, even those who I had to part ways with. I would’ve worked harder to connect with staff that had moved on or I unfortunately had to lay off. I felt so sensitive about it at the time. But now I realize I probably felt vulnerable, and the reality is they were probably in a situation where they needed more connection and wanted to touch base. But so many people are still rooting for us. It’s something I’m working on, is reconnecting with folks who are no longer with the company.”

OUTLOOK ON THE FUTURE: “I don’t think it’s over. But I am optimistic and I’m pretty shocked to even say that myself, honestly. But we have a vaccine. We have competent leadership. The COVID numbers are declining and businesses are reopening. Now, this could all happen again next year if not enough people are vaccinated or taking precautions. But today I’m optimistic.”

Published at Thu, 11 Mar 2021 14:01:26 +0000

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