Province to delay second vaccine doses, focus on long-term care residents – Windsor Star
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Many residents of the home have now been vaccinated, but a local public health official said last week that if the region had been able to vaccinate sooner, the outbreak would probably not have been as severe.
Other regions also had doses of Moderna rerouted away from them. Ottawa never received the Moderna vaccine. Those with the Moderna vaccine were able to begin vaccinating long-term care residents immediately.
Ottawa and other parts of the province with only Pfizer vaccine supplies, could not begin vaccinating long-term care residents until early this month, weeks after the vaccines arrived in the province. Ottawa became the first jurisdiction in the province to do so, by creating mobile vaccination teams to go into long-term care homes.
On Monday, provincial officials said about 50,000 of around 67,000 long-term care residents in the province have been offered or given one dose (around 3,000 refused). That leaves 17,000 or 18,000 residents who have not yet been vaccinated.
Overall, 280,000 doses of vaccine have been administered — it is unclear how many individuals that represents since some have already received two doses.
Ontario will receive no Pfizer vaccines this week and is expecting 26,000 next week, compared to the planned shipments of around 80,000. There continues to be uncertainty about numbers in coming weeks, though, provincial officials say.
The Ontario government extended the declared provincial emergency for another 14 days, until Feb. 9.
— With files from Brian Cross, Windsor Star
Published at Tue, 26 Jan 2021 00:39:48 +0000