
Empty Stocking Fund, Jan. 21, 2021

Empty Stocking Fund, Jan. 21, 2021

Who you’ve helped: The Empty Stocking Fund helped a Santa Fe couple buy new tires for their vehicle. “Due to only receiving Social Security, we are unable to do these services,” they wrote in a request for assistance. “It would really help to service our vehicle because some of our [doctor] appointments tend to be in Albuquerque and we’d have a safe and reliable vehicle for transportation.”

How it works: Applications for funding are carefully vetted. Members of the Empty Stocking Committee review requests and meet with each qualifying applicant to examine records of outstanding bills or other needs, and to verify the applicant’s income. If a request is approved, the committee sends a check directly to the service supplier. The cap for most requests is $1,000.

2020 goal: $275,000

This holiday charity project of The New Mexican began in 1981 and is jointly administered by the Santa Fe Community Foundation, Enterprise Bank and Trust, the Salvation Army, Presbyterian Medical Services, The Life Link, Habitat for Humanity, Esperanza Shelter, the Housing Trust and two private individuals.

To donate: Make tax-deductible donations online at or mail a check to The New Mexican’s Empty Stocking Fund c/o the Santa Fe Community Foundation, P.O. Box 1827, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1827. Donors may choose to remain anonymous.

To provide a service such as roofing or home repairs, contact Habitat for Humanity at To contribute food, clothing, toys, furniture, or other items or services, call the Salvation Army at 505-988-8054.

Anonymous: $410

Andrea Poole and Lisa Buckley, in memory of Eric Platz: $50

Donna Fleetwood, in memory of Rex Fleetwood: $500

Mark Naylor and Dale Gunn: $100

Anne Hillerman, in memory of Don Strel: $500

Kim Keahbone, in loving memory of George, Tonita and Robert Keahbone: $100

Hillel and Sally Liebert, in honor of Beth Trevor and Jonah Liebert: $75

Livingry Foundation: $500

Susan and David Lovro, in memory of Jeff Jones: $100

Gloria and Carl Luff: $200

E. Hayes Lujan: $150

Steve and Meredith Machen: $200

Holly Kinley and Charles Mann: $200

William and Lois Mee, in honor of our parents and grandparents: $200

Troy and Carol Moore, in honor of Frank and Marcia Wolf: $200

Bob Soza Charitable Fund: $2,000

Spirit of the Moose: $50

Raymond Ortiz and Margaret Storey: $250

Rich and Janie Thelin: $300

Deborah and Frans Trouw, in memory of Alyssa N. Trouw: $500

Betsy Garside and Stephen Warren, the Small Acts Fund: $500

Ed and Marilyn Winter-Tamkin: $750

Total: $7,835

Cumulative total: $519,400.13

Published at Thu, 21 Jan 2021 02:49:55 +0000

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Written by Riel Roussopoulos


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