Empty Stocking Fund, Dec. 28, 2020

How it works: Applications for funding are carefully vetted. Members of the Empty Stocking Committee review requests and meet with each qualifying applicant to examine records of outstanding bills or other needs, and to verify the applicant’s income. If a request is approved, the committee sends a check directly to the service supplier. The cap for most requests is $1,000.
2020 goal: $275,000
This holiday charity project of The New Mexican began in 1981 and is jointly administered by the Santa Fe Community Foundation, Enterprise Bank and Trust, the Salvation Army, Presbyterian Medical Services, The Life Link, Habitat for Humanity, Esperanza Shelter, the Housing Trust and two private individuals.
To donate: Make tax-deductible donations online at santafenewmexican.com/empty_stocking or mail a check to The New Mexican’s Empty Stocking Fund c/o the Santa Fe Community Foundation, P.O. Box 1827, Santa Fe, N.M., 87504-1827. Donors may choose to remain anonymous.
To provide a service such as roofing or home repairs, contact Habitat for Humanity at repairs@santafehabitat.org. To contribute food, clothing, toys, furniture, or other items or services, call the Salvation Army at 505-988-8054.
Anonymous: $920
Anonymous, from Grandpa, Jemima and Frenchie: $150
Paul and Ellen Biderman: $250
Bruce and Cynthia Bolene, Bolene Charitable Trust: $500
Richard T. Buffler and Christine B. Boss: $100
Frank Hoback and LaMerle Boyd: $200
Rabbi Martin Levy and Kaycee Canter-Levy: $120
Linda and Alan Clarke: $50
David Ginsberg Healthcare Consulting LLC: $250
John and Lucy Draper: $200
Karin Hall, in memory of Rene Barker: $100
Shelley and James Horn: $75
Ruth and Bob Howes: $500
Howley Insurance Inc.: $100
Peter Clout and Marlene Jackson: $500
Diane and John Jennings: $500
Joan Brooks Baker and Margeaux Klein, 221 Fund: $500
Eileen Joyce: $50
John and Helen Kennedy: $200
Robert and Irene Maldonado: $400
Gayatri and Tony Malmed: $250
Mares Realty: $200
Andrea and Dominic Martinez, in memory of Sarah Duran: $50
Peter and Kathy Mizrahi: $100
David and Joyce Mordhorst: $100
Nicoletta Munroe: $50
Mavis and Michael Murphey: $100
Janet Peacock: $250
Douglas Pfliger: $25
Precision Surveys Inc.: $500
Susan Radecki: $500
Cynthia and Robert Rinaldi: $100
Charles Harrington and Carmen Rodriguez: $100
Susan and Jose Rojas: $50
Roberto and Kathleen Ann Romero: $200
Ursula Sanders: $300
Marcia and Jeff Shaffer, in loving memory of our son, Luke Shaffer: $500
Barbara Sinha: $40
Tom and Carol Stephens: $300
Elisabeth Sykes: $500
Kyle and Mike Wheeler, in honor of Eric Wheeler and family: $300
Ann and Thomas Woodward, in memory of Barbara Morin: $100
Laura Brown and Richard Word: $200
Carol Wright: $200
Mel and Barbara Yost: $500
Total: $11,180
Cumulative total: $291,671.08
Published at Mon, 28 Dec 2020 02:00:00 +0000