Musing: Snow, shopping and COVID – Marion Star

| Musing
There is an old wives tale that the date of the first significant snowfall designated the number of snowfalls in that winter. If that holds true, Ohio is going to be bombarded with slippery roads, blowing and drifting snow with white knuckle driving on the horizon. The first significant snowfall came in with a bang on Nov. 30. One and done is enough for me — but 30? Time will tell.
I’ve noticed quite a few homes decked out in many more lights than in previous years — and earlier. I think folks are just wanting this year to go away and decorating earlier is their way of helping it along.
Did you go Black Friday or Shop Local shopping? If we weren’t in a pandemic, I would have done the Shop Local for it is there that you find such unique and good quality gifts.
I had decided last week that I would not say any more about the current status of this nation and especially in Ohio from the COVID-19 virus. But I changed my mind. I’m a woman and have that prerogative. Beside that, I’m blonde.
First, let me say that I received some not so nice emails regarding my column two weeks ago when I wrote about losing my lifelong childhood friend. Let me just say this: I’m entitled to my opinion the same as you. If I see that a friend on social media has had a loss, I express my condolences and send up a quick prayer for that person and the one they lost. I’m sincere.
Which brings me to this. Folks, this virus is real. It is NOT a hoax. Each of us need to do our part to eradicate this pandemic and, hopefully, get back to a somewhat normal life. I haven’t been shopping since I came back to Ohio from Florida in late March. Ohio was under a stay at home mandate at that time. I order groceries online and get curbside pickup. Banking and pharmacy pickups are at the drive-thru. I wear a mask even when conversing with the employee assisting me. This virus shows no favoritism — just attacks a person and tears down their body very quickly, actually in just a few days. We each need to do our part and that means wear a mask, wash your hands and socially distance. I heard Dr. Fauci say that, since it has gotten colder, we should open a door or window for at least five minutes every hour to keep the inside air fresher.
Until next week, let me leave you with this thought. Remember the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Wear a mask, wash your hands, social distance and be safe. You could be the next one to lose a loved one.
Brenda Donegan Is a former Marion Star staffer. She may be reached at
Published at Sun, 06 Dec 2020 09:52:19 +0000